Friday, December 21, 2018

Dec 21

This week was Spirit week. We had a lot of fun show casing our pajamas, crazy hats, spirit wear, crazy socks and crazy hair.

Thank you to everyone for a wonderful beginning of the year. Have a wonderful winter break and I will see all of you in the New Year!

1) Family Recipe: If you have not had a chance to send in your family recipe please send it by email as soon as possible.

2) Report Card Envelopes: If you have not returned your envelopes please do so when we return after the break.

Coming up
Dec 21st - last day of school
Jan 7th - First day back after the holidays
Jan 24th -Celebration of Learning from 6-7

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

1) Report Cards: went home today. Please sign and return the envelope by Dec 20th. Thank you.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Dec 13

This week in Inquiry we have been learning about the impact of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) on the First Nations people. We learned how the CPR hired people to hunt the bison and explored how this impacted the First Nations way of life. Ask me about how the CPR impacted the First Nations people.

This week in science we have also started our magnet unit and brainstormed what we already know, how magnets are important in our world and what we wonder about magnets. Ask me about what I wonder about magnets.

This week in writing we began to learn about how/procedural writing. We have been thinking about the different procedural or action words that will help us write clear instructions. Ask me about the different parts of procedural writing and what I have written about this week.

1) Family Recipe: Information was sent home on Dec 12th. Please discuss with your child a recipe that they could bring in by Dec 21st to share with the class.

2) Spirit Week: is next week.

3) Circle Magnets needed: If you have any circle magnets at home, the grade 2 students would really appreciate it if we could borrow them next week. Please just send them in with your name on them.

Coming up
Dec 7th - No school due to Professional Development
Dec 17th - Carol singing at 1:30
Dec 17th- Pajama Day
Dec 18th - Crazy Hat Day
Dec 19th- Royal Blue Day
Dec 19th - Carol singing at 11:30
Dec 20th - Crazy Sock Day (you can also bring a pair to donate)
Dec 21st - Crazy Hair Day
Dec 21st - last day of school
Jan 7th - First day back after the holidays
Jan 24th -Celebration of Learning from 6-7

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Dec 6

This week in Inquiry we have been learning about the early settlers and how the Canadian Pacific Railway used propaganda posters to encourage immigrants to come to western Canada. We also had time to research more information about the settlers on the website Early Days - Homesteaders. Feel free to take some time with your child and explore this site further. 

1) Home Reading: 
Dear Families,

For those students that are engaging in our Home Reading Program, we have a few reminders and updates at this time of year:
  • Students that have been accessing Home Reading, but are now reading at a level L or above will no longer be receiving Home Reading Books after school returns in January.  Our Home Reading Program supports students below level L, as many of the texts that students are able to access in the Learning Commons, and through the Book Truck as well as within the rich literacy experiences in our classroom are accessible for students at that level.
  • If you have more than one child at our school that is participating in Home Reading, please make sure that the books that come home are returned to school in the specific Home Reading bag that they came home in.  We have had some difficulty with siblings returning each other’s books, which has caused some confusion for our lovely Home Reading Ladies and their tracking system. Your assistance in keeping the books organized is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for supporting your child as they become stronger and more confident readers!

Mrs. Mitschke
Resource Teacher

2) Spirit Week: information came home this week

Coming up
Dec 7th - No school due to Professional Development
Dec 17th - Carol singing at 1:30
Dec 17th- Pajama Day
Dec 18th - Crazy Hat Day
Dec 19th- Royal Blue Day
Dec 19th - Carol singing at 11:30
Dec 20th - Crazy Sock Day (you can also bring a pair to donate)
Dec 21st - Crazy Hair Day
Dec 21st
Jan 7th - First day back after the holidays

Jun 18 -Summer package

Summer vacation is just around the corner. If you and your child would like some extra practice over the summer here are a couple of links ...