Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Jun 18 -Summer package

Summer vacation is just around the corner. If you and your child would like some extra practice over the summer here are a couple of links and ideas to check out.

Links to a wide range of sites for all grade 1 and 2 curriculum.  Please note this site is expected to be discontinued at the end of the summer.

Reading comprehension strategies
Entering 3rd grade summer questions


3rd grade summer review
Math Salamanders

Inquiry/Current Events:
CBC news articles
Canadian Geographic
Steves Pangler Science
Science Kids (this site also has some math and language arts activities as well.)

Other fun activities
Dance mat typing
Scratch coding
Hour of Code

word art

Thank you for all of your support over the past school year.  Have a great summer of fun, laughter and new adventures. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Jun 12

Tomorrow is Sports Day at Royal Oak School. Please show your school pride by wearing your Royal Oak School t-shirt or Royal Blue. Students are asked to come prepared for the weather. Bring your hat, sunscreen, water bottle, proper footwear (no flip flops) and a light jacket. We're looking forward to a great afternoon filled with super fun activities and events!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Jun 10

On Thursday June 13th from 1-3:30pm our students will be brought to the gym, school compound, and field to enjoy the many sport and activity stations set up for them. 
Morning Kindergarten students are welcome to attend, as long as a parent or guardian stays to supervise. We are asking for parent volunteers from all grades to help support this event by using the SignUp Genius link below.
A Valid Police Clearance is required to volunteer at all of our school events.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Jun 7

This week students have been very busy. Take sometime this weekend to check out your child's IRIS post. You will find a post from Inquiry about their learning around the East Coast. You will also find a post showcasing their writing.

Students also had the opportunity to redesign and test their boats. Ask me about how well my boat work and what I would change to improve my boat.

We also began learning about measurement and how to use nonstandard forms of measurement. Ask me about some of the items we measured and the different tools we used to measure those items.

1) Wetlands trip: Students will be taking a trip to the wetlands on Tuesday, June 11th from 1:30-2:30. We are still in need to 2 volunteers. If you are available and have your volunteer clearance please sign up at the following link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508054caeab28a1f49-wetlands

2) year end volunteers needed: If you are able to volunteer for any of the jobs at the link and have your volunteer clearance please sign up

3) Learning Commons books: All learning commons books need to be returned by Friday June 14th. 

4) Book Truck: last day to return books from book truck is June 12th or you can return the books to any Calgary Public Library.

Upcoming dates:
Jun 13th - Sports Day 1:30-3:30
Jun 14th - Volunteer Tea 9:10
Jun 21st - Indigenous Day
Jun 25th - School BBQ
Jun 26th - Report cards go home/last day of school

Thursday, May 30, 2019

May 30

1) Dear Royal Oak School Parents,
Report cards will be sent home with your child on the last day of school, which is Wednesday, June 26.  If your child will be leaving prior to the end of the school day or absent on the last day of school, please send a self-addressed and stamped 9” x 12” envelope to the teacher, and your child’s report card will be mailed to you.  Alternatively, we will hold onto your child’s report card and it will be sent home with your child in September 2019.
Royal Oak School

Upcoming dates:
Jun 4th - Bike to School
Jun 13th - Sports Day
Jun 14th - Volunteer Tea
Jun 25th - School BBQ

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 28

1) Bike to School Day: 
Royal Oak School Parents and Guardians,

Our annual Bike to School Day is fast approaching. On Tuesday June 4th Royal Oak School Families and Staff are encouraged to participate in the Bike to School Day come Rain or Shine

Bike tags and further information (including a map) will be sent home with Kindergarten students on Thursday May 30th, and with Grade 1-3 students on Monday June 3rd. Bike tags must be brought to the school on your student's handlebars for ease of organization and storage in the School Gym. Students are welcome to drop off their bikes from 8:40am - 9:10am. PM KG students can drop their bikes off to the Gym before class, between 12:50pm and 1:03pm.

A snack of Orange slices will be available between 8:40am and 9:10am. Don't forget to bring your water bottles!

***NOTE: Different Locations for KINDERGARTEN PICKUP***

All Kindergarten Bike to School participants (AM & PM) will be dismissed through the Gym door closest to the houses at the back of the school and Non-Participants will have a regular dismissal at the KG doors.

Grade 1 & 2 students can pick up their bikes on the compound at the back of the school following the afternoon dismissal. 

Grade 3 students will be dismissed through the Gym, and will pick up their bikes on their way out to the compound.

If you would like to volunteer at this event please use the Sign Up Genius Link Below.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Helen Hennick
Physical Education Specialist, Royal Oak School

Monday, May 27, 2019

May 24

Wow today we had an awesome start to the morning with the Stampede Breakfast. It was great seeing everyone there.

1) Summer Scholastic book order: went home this week. Please submit your online order  by May 29th. This is a great chance to get some books for summer reading.

To order and pay online please follow the following steps:
It’s Here! Order from Reading Club online — it’s easy as 1-2-3!
1.             Connect with your child’s classroom teacher at scholastic.ca/canadaclubs.
2.             You can browse, shop and pay online!
3.            Books arrive in the classroom, just like always!

Upcoming dates:
May 29th - Jump rope for heart day
Jun 4th - Bike to School
Jun 13th - Sports Day
Jun 14th - Volunteer Tea
Jun 25th - School BBQ

Jun 18 -Summer package

Summer vacation is just around the corner. If you and your child would like some extra practice over the summer here are a couple of links ...