Friday, April 12, 2019

April 12

This week in writing we focused on orally sharing our stories. Ask your child to practice orally sharing their Arctic story with you while focusing on the different areas of storytelling. 

This week in inquiry students designed, built and tested their boats. Ask your child about how their boat survived the waves and loads the boat had to hold and what they will do differently next time.

1) Return to Treasure Island field trip forms: where sent home yesterday. Please fill them out and pay online by Thursday Aprils 18th.

Upcoming dates:

Apr 5, 12, 26, 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
Apr 18th - Grade 2 dentist presentation
Apr 19th - no school due to Good Friday 
Apr 22 -  no school due to professional development
Apr 26th - Story book Theater - more information to come

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Jun 18 -Summer package

Summer vacation is just around the corner. If you and your child would like some extra practice over the summer here are a couple of links ...