Monday, April 29, 2019

April 29th

1) Running club: For the month of May, we are pleased to offer our students the opportunity to take part in our Running Club. This club will take place before school and will run on a drop-in basis. No registration required, just show up on the days that you can and run with us. Running Club will meet on the field behind the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:45-9:05am beginning Thursday May 2nd. We will run for approximately 15 minutes and then stretch. Students will be dismissed from the field at 9:05am to head down to the compound where their class meets for entry. We look forward to seeing you out on the field with us! 
Ms. Hennick and Mrs. Mann

Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26

Today we attended the play Return to Treasure Island which was put on by storybook theater. Ask me about my favourite part character.

This week we celebrated Earth Day by thinking about what the earth would say in writing and creating some beautiful Earth Day art work. Ask me about what I wrote and what I thought the earth would say.

In Inquiry we have been conducting several experiments to learn about how we can improve our boat designs. This week we learned about waterproofing and propulsion. Ask me about how I can waterproof my boat design and propel by boat through the water. Below are some simple propulsion ideas we learned about.

This week in math we began learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Ask me about something new I learned. We recognized that a several shapes are considered polygons.

1) Art materials: Dear parents, we are in need of sticks about 5 cm in diameter and approximately 40 cm long for a very special project.  If you could send in any you have from yard work or that you find out walking by Friday May 3rd it would be greatly appreciated. 

Upcoming dates:
Apr 5, 12, 26, 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
May 6th-10th - Literacy Week (refer to April 18th post for more information)
May16th -Jump rope for Heart Assembly
May 20th - No school due to Victoria day
May 24th - Stampede Breakfast
May 29th - Jump rope for heart day
Jun 4th - Bike to School
Jun 13th - Sports Day
Jun 14th - Volunteer Tea
Jun 25th - School BBQ
Jun 26 - Last day of school

Thursday, April 18, 2019

April 18

This week we had a dentist presentation and learned all about how to keep your teeth clean. Our teachers even got to be teeth. Ask me about what I learned or my favourite part.

This week in writing we posted our oral stories to IRIS. Please take sometime over the weekend to check out your child's work and write a comment. You can use the oral story telling rubric that your child also posted to IRIS to talk about what they did well and what they might change or do differently.

This week in math we tried some challenging problems that required 2-3 steps. We found these a bit challenging and will continue to work on strengthening our basic math facts. Here a few you can try at home.

Madison is reading a book that has 98 pages in it. She read 42 pages over the weekend. Then she read 30 more pages on Monday night. How many pages does Madison have left to read?

Steven bought two boxes of erasers. One box has 24 erasers in it. The other box had 36 erasers in it. He then gave 18 of his erasers to his friend. How many erasers did Steven have left?

In football a player scores 6 points for a touchdown and 3 points for a field goal. Sally's team scored 2 touchdowns in this week's game. Last week they scored 1 touchdown and 1 field goal. How many points did Sally's team score in both games combined?

1) Bouldering rock climbing form: please make sure to return the form by Tuesday April 23rd.

2) Literacy Week: 
Dear  Royal Oak School,

We are excited to announce the approach of Canadian Children’s Literature Week at ROS during the week of May 6, 2019 - May 10, 2019. We have planned a variety of exciting activities to encourage and engage students in a love of literature. Each day of the week will have a special theme, as well as daily DEARs (Drop Everything And Read). The week will go as follows:

 May 6th: Wear Royal Oak Blue Spirit Day - Let's
 spread community spirit! On the first day of Literacy Week, we encourage everyone to wear their Royal Oak Blue! Ms. Bradbury and Ms. Sparks will be joining various classes to read!

 May 7th: Spring Into Reading Day - Spring is here,
 let’s welcome it! On the second day of Literacy Week, we want to see spring colours. Wear your Spring Colours and Spring outfits. Ms. Bradbury and Ms. Sparks will be joining various classes to read!

 May 8th: Grow a Royal Reader Day - We are exalted
 to announce Grow a Royal Reader Day. On the third day of Literacy week, we encourage you to dress like royalty. Students will continue to celebrate reading and Spring with a royal planting session. Don’t forget to dig out your favourite royal outfit and dress
 like a Knight, Princess, Prince, King, Queen or Jester!

 May 9th: Cosy Up To A Book Day - Nothing beats cozying
 up to a good book in your pajamas! On the fourth day of Literacy week, we ask you to wear you favourite pajamas to school. As well, students will be visited by a guest author, Pamela McDowell.

 May 10th: Dress Like Your Favourite Character Day - We
 want to find out who your favourite character is. On the fifth day of Literacy week, we ask that you please dress up like your favourite character. Please come to school already dressed up and bring your matching book to spread the love of our favourite books.
 Classes will get together with their buddy classes and teachers will share their all-time favourite books.

Thank You

Upcoming dates:

Apr 5, 12, 26, 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
Apr 19th - no school due to Good Friday 
Apr 22 -  no school due to professional development
Apr 26th - Story book Theater - more information to come

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 16

Dear  Royal Oak School,

We are excited to announce the approach of Canadian Children’s Literature Week at ROS during the week of May 6, 2019 - May 10, 2019. We have planned a variety of exciting activities to encourage and engage students in a love of literature. Each day of the week will have a special theme, as well as daily DEARs (Drop Everything And Read). The week will go as follows:

 May 6th: Wear Royal Oak Blue Spirit Day - Let's
 spread community spirit! On the first day of Literacy Week, we encourage everyone to wear their Royal Oak Blue! Ms. Bradbury and Ms. Sparks will be joining various classes to read!

 May 7th: Spring Into Reading Day - Spring is here,
 let’s welcome it! On the second day of Literacy Week, we want to see spring colours. Wear your Spring Colours and Spring outfits. Ms. Bradbury and Ms. Sparks will be joining various classes to read!

 May 8th: Grow a Royal Reader Day - We are exalted
 to announce Grow a Royal Reader Day. On the third day of Literacy week, we encourage you to dress like royalty. Students will continue to celebrate reading and Spring with a royal planting session. Don’t forget to dig out your favourite royal outfit and dress
 like a Knight, Princess, Prince, King, Queen or Jester!

 May 9th: Cosy Up To A Book Day - Nothing beats cozying
 up to a good book in your pajamas! On the fourth day of Literacy week, we ask you to wear you favourite pajamas to school. As well, students will be visited by a guest author, Pamela McDowell.

 May 10th: Dress Like Your Favourite Character Day - We
 want to find out who your favourite character is. On the fifth day of Literacy week, we ask that you please dress up like your favourite character. Please come to school already dressed up and bring your matching book to spread the love of our favourite books.
 Classes will get together with their buddy classes and teachers will share their all-time favourite books.


Friday, April 12, 2019

April 12

This week in writing we focused on orally sharing our stories. Ask your child to practice orally sharing their Arctic story with you while focusing on the different areas of storytelling. 

This week in inquiry students designed, built and tested their boats. Ask your child about how their boat survived the waves and loads the boat had to hold and what they will do differently next time.

1) Return to Treasure Island field trip forms: where sent home yesterday. Please fill them out and pay online by Thursday Aprils 18th.

Upcoming dates:

Apr 5, 12, 26, 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
Apr 18th - Grade 2 dentist presentation
Apr 19th - no school due to Good Friday 
Apr 22 -  no school due to professional development
Apr 26th - Story book Theater - more information to come

Friday, April 5, 2019

April 5

Today was our first circle of courage clubs. Ask me about what club I am in and what I enjoyed about my club.

This week in inquiry student learned how Acadian people relied on boats to move around. They where then tasked to think about possible materials they might need to design a boat that will float and with stand large waves. We watched the video below to help understand how boats move across ocean waters. Next week we will be unpacking what a nautical architect does how begin designing, building and testing our boats.
In writing and art this week we have been working on our Arctic stories. In writing, the students used the story board template below to plan how they will orally share their stories. This week we focused on the problem and next week we will be working on our solutions and practicing orally sharing our stories. Ask your child about my story and you can have your child practice orally sharing personal stories while thinking about the different areas on the story telling rubric shown below. In art students worked on representing the characters from their Arctic stories in the form of puppets. They thoughts about how to show their characters in a cold setting and the types of clothing their character would need.

In math we started working on some some problems that have 3 acts to and require the students to think about what math question is being asked. As a class we tried the pringle problem. You can work through the problem below with your child and ask them about the different steps they worked through.

Act 1:
What do you notice? What do you wonder?

  • How many Pringles did it take to make the Pringle Ringle?  
  • estimate you know is too high.  Write an estimate you know is too low.

  • Act 2:
    Act 3:

    1) Green Shirt Day – Monday, April 8th, 2019

    On April 7, 2018, a young Albertan named Logan Boulet became an organ donor in the aftermath of the tragic Humboldt Bronco bus crash. By registering as a donor, Logan saved the lives of six others, and his story inspired thousands of people around the world to register as organ and tissue donors.

    Logan’s generosity resulted in a spontaneous movement dubbed “The Logan Boulet Effect” — a huge spike in people signing up to be organ donors. According to Alberta Health, during the month of April 2018 there were 28,855 Albertans who registered to become a donor — an almost three-fold increase from the usual 10,000 who sign up monthly.

    April 7th, the day Logan passed away and helped 6 others through his Organ donations, has been designated as Green Shirt Day. The Canadian Transplant Association and the family of Logan Boulet will carry on Logan's legacy by recognizing April 7th as Green Shirt Day, raising awareness of the need for registered organ and tissue donors so that access to life saving and life transforming transplants can be improved. To mark this annual event, 17 landmarks around the world, including the Calgary Tower and Niagara Falls, will be lit green this year. 

    This year, April 7th is on a Sunday and so we invite your child to please wear a Green Shirt or Royal Oak blue to school  for Logan and Organ Donor Awareness on Monday, April 8th.

    Thank you

    2) Scholastic book orders: went home today. Please order online before April 9th.

    Upcoming dates:

    Apr 5, 12, 26, 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
    Apr 8th - grade 2 team presenting at parent council
    Apr 11th - Group class picture day
    Apr 18th - Grade 2 dentist presentation
    Apr 19th - no school due to Good Friday 
    Apr 22 -  no school due to professional development
    Apr 26th - Story book Theater - more information to come

    Jun 18 -Summer package

    Summer vacation is just around the corner. If you and your child would like some extra practice over the summer here are a couple of links ...