Thursday, October 18, 2018

Oct 19

This week in grade 2 we have had a lot of fun dancing, learning about liquids and becoming better writers and mathematicians.

In Dance Pl3y we have been learning about the different periods of dance and some of the most popular moves. We have also been creating our very own dance moves. Ask me about one of the dance moves I have created. 
Make sure you save Oct 23 for the parent share day if you are in Ms. MacDonald's class and Oct 22nd if you are in Ms. Cooks class.

Wow we where so lucky to have Teachers Pet come in and teach us about liquids. We rotated through 4 stations. At the first station we learned about evaporation and are watching to see how slat water crystallizes. At the second station we learned about freezing and melting while make delicious lemonade slushies. At the third station we learned about material that absorb water and material that repel water. Finally at the fourth station we learned about density and how some objects float in salt water but not water. 

In math we learned a new math game called exploding numbers. Ask me about how to play this game. It is an excellent game for working on breaking larger numbers into 10's, 5's and 1's.

In writing have been using the picture prompt to write a story and learning about some of the mechanics of writing such as nouns, verbs, punctuation and what we need to make a complete sentence.

We have started reading the book called "The Search for Delicious." In the story we learned that Gaylen is the kings messenger has to take a survey from the kingdom about the most delicious food for the kings dictionary. Ask me for more details and information from the story.

1) Dance Pla3y: ROS Students will begin their dance residency on Monday. All classes have been scheduled to take part in four forty minute sessions with our guest instructor. The final session will be our Parent Share session. Parents are invited to the gym during this session to check out what students have been learning during the residency. You will have the opportunity to watch your son/daughter dance as well as to participate and have fun with them. 
Ms. MacDonald's parent share session will be: Tuesday Oct 23rd at 1:10-1:50. 

Dear Parents/Guardians of Ms. Boston/Ms. Cook’s class,

ROS Students began their dance residency on Monday. All classes have been scheduled to take part in four, forty minute sessions with our guest instructor. The final session will be our Parent Share session. Parents are invited to the gym during this session to check out what students have been learning during the residency. You will have the opportunity to watch your son/daughter dance as well as to participate and have fun with them. Your parent participation & share session for Ms. Boston/Ms. Cook’s class is Monday, October 22nd from 9:30-10:10.  We look forward to seeing you there!

2) Halloween: Royal Oak is excited to move in a new direction this year! In place of Pumpkinella, students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes on October 31st. Please have students come dressed in their costume in the morning (PM Kindergarten, please come ready in the afternoon!). Please have your child practice getting in and out of their costume so they can independently dress for washroom breaks. We ask that costumes do NOT include: masks, weapons, accessories, or blood/gore. Regular learning activities will continue throughout the day. Students will get the opportunity to share their costumes with each other by participating in a parade in the halls. In keeping with learning about healthy eating, please do not send any special treats or snacks to share. Our Staff is looking forward to the 31st!

Coming up
Oct 22 - Cook Parent share Dance Pl3yOct 23 - MacDonald Parent share Dance Pl3y
Oct 26 - No school due to PD

Oct 31 - Halloween (students can wear costumes)
Oct 29th -Nov 14th artist in residence (more information will be coming soon)

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