Thursday, October 25, 2018

Oct 25

This week in grade 1 we made an IRIS post. Take sometime to check out your child's writing sample and the goal they have made for themselves. Students where encouraged to make a goal around one of the 6 writing traits. We used the 2nd Grade Writing Menu below to think about what we need to work on in our writing. Ask me about my goal and why I choose to work on that goal.

In inquiry we have been exploring four main individuals (see below) who where present when Calgary was being established. We are exploring how fences affected each perspective (First Nations, Missionaries, Settlers and North West Mounted Police) and the way that they lived. This weekend speak with your child about what perspective they agree with the most and why. Next week we will be getting ready to share our opinion and try to persuade the class to agree with our opinions. 
In math we have been learning about place value and working with base ten materials to explore numbers into their tens and ones column. We learned a couple of place ten math games using two dice. Ask me how to play. Hint: you role two dice and select 1 number for the tens column and the other number for the 1's column. You can then use the sheet below to show your work.

1) No school tomorrow Oct 26th due to a professional development day.

2) Pictures Packages: where sent home today. If you would like to order pictures please submit your order by Nov 2nd. Also if you would like you child to have their photo taken picture retake day is Nov 1st

3) Halloween: Royal Oak is excited to move in a new direction this year! In place of Pumpkinella, students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes on October 31st. Please have students come dressed in their costume in the morning (PM Kindergarten, please come ready in the afternoon!). Please have your child practice getting in and out of their costume so they can independently dress for washroom breaks. We ask that costumes do NOT include: masks, weapons, accessories, or blood/gore. Regular learning activities will continue throughout the day. Students will get the opportunity to share their costumes with each other by participating in a parade in the halls. In keeping with learning about healthy eating, please do not send any special treats or snacks to share. Our Staff is looking forward to the 31st!

Coming up
Oct 26 - No school due to PD
Oct 31 - Halloween (students can wear costumes)
Oct 29th -Nov 14th artist in residence (more information will be coming soon)
Oct 30th -First artist in residence session for Ms. MacDonald and Ms. Cook's class
Nov 1st - Picture retake day
Nov 9th - Remembrance Day assembly
Nov 16 -No school due to PD
Nov 22-23 - Student led Conferences

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Jun 18 -Summer package

Summer vacation is just around the corner. If you and your child would like some extra practice over the summer here are a couple of links ...