Thursday, February 28, 2019

Feb 28

Today we had Pink shirt day. We participated in an assembly then designed pink shirts to show how we can help stop bulling by showing kindness instead.

In writing, we completed our poems and independent writing samples then posted them to IRIS and created a goal. Please take sometimes to view your child's work and discuss their goal. We are now starting to learn about Arctic stories and the different elements. We will be working towards writing our own arctic story. Here is one of the stories we watched.

In Inquiry we researched 6 topics (Weather, Land/geography, Wildlife/Animals, shelter, Iqaluit, Transportation) about the Arctic. Ask me about the information we learned.

In math we continued to explore double digit addition and subtraction. We learned how to use the cubes tool below to help us work through a word problem. Some of us still need to practice double digit subtraction and check that we are adding and subtracting basic facts accurately. 

Upcoming dates:
March 1st - No school due to professional development
Mar 5th - Evergreen Theater
Mar 6th - Book TruckMar 21-22 - Conferences
Mar 23-31 - Spring Break
Apr 8th -grade 2 team presenting at parent council
Apr 11th - Group class picture day
Apr 19th - no school due to Good Friday 
Apr 22 -  no school due professional development

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