Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May 21

1) Jump Rope for Heart: Our annual Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser is now underway. Royal Oak School held our kick off assembly last Thursday and students have brought home their fundraising envelopes. Your envelope explains everything that you need to know about the fundraiser. You can also register and fundraise online at JumpRopeForHeart.ca. It’s an easy way to raise money and earn great bonus prizes! Our fundraiser will run until May 29th. On Wednesday, May 29th we will collect fundraising envelopes and have our JUMP DAY. All classes will participate in fun skipping activities and we will have bubbles, sidewalk chalk, music and a healthy snack provided by parent council.

**Please note that PM kindergarten students will have their jump day on Thursday, May 30th**

Did you know that when you jump rope for others, you are also jumping for yourself? Get the exercise your heart needs while raising money to help all kids grow up healthy!

2) Home Reading:
           Home Reading Ends this Week!

Thank you for your support of our Home Reading Program this year.  We know that the work you do at home, reading with your children, helps their confidence and abilities as readers to continue to grow. As we near the end of the school year, we need time to collect and inventory all of our Home Reading Books so that we have a full library of texts ready to send home with our students next fall.

This week (May 21-24) will be our final week sending Home Reading Books home with students. You should see the final books of the year come home this Thursday May 23rd.  After that, we will begin the process of collecting the books and making sure any lost/damaged books are accounted for.  Missing Book Notices will continue to come home over the following few weeks.

As has been the process throughout the school year, notices will be sent home for books that were taken home by your child and not yet returned to school.  We appreciated your support in continuing to hunt for these books.  If the books are not recovered, the school will ask that you pay a $5 charge per book that is missing.  This can be paid in cash, or applied to your PowerSchool Account if it is $10 or more. The fees help us to replace missing and damaged books so that next year’s students can continue to benefit from the support of this program.

Although our Home Reading books will no longer be coming home, students are still encouraged to read with their families daily.  There are a variety of places that they can access books at their ‘just right’ reading level including our school’s Learning Commons, Little Free Libraries, online with RazzKids, and at the Calgary Public Library.  If you would like recommendations about books to access with your child, please reach out to their classroom teacher for ideas.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns about the Home Reading Program, please reach out to your child’s teacher, or contact the Resource Teacher, Heather Mitschke at hmmitschke@cbe.ab.ca        

Happy Reading!

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