Thursday, May 16, 2019

May 16

This week we had a jump rope for heart kick off assembly. In phys- ed and we will be practicing our skipping skills for the upcoming jump day.

This week we began learning more about persuasive writing. We read the text I wanna an Iguana which is about a young boy who writes letters in the hope that he will convince his mother to let him have a pet Iguana. You may need to keep an eye out as your child could come home with a letter for a pet or something they really want.

In math we have been working on a word problem that requires logic and reasoning. You can take a look at the problem below. While working through the problem students made sure to use CUBES and select a second strategy to check their work.

Nova Scotia Lobster boat

Lobsters are widely fished around the world for their meat. They are often hard to catch in large numbers, but their large size can make them a profitable catch. Nova Scotia fisherman can catch quite a few lobsters in the Atlantic Ocean.

This small lobster fishing boat was designed by a naval architect to hold a maximum load of 90 kilograms of lobster traps. When the fisherwoman checks her traps, she sees that 4 of her traps have lobsters in them!

Weight in Kilograms
Trap #1
56 kilogram
Trap #2
40 kilograms
Trap #3
33 kilograms
Trap #4
16 kilograms

What lobster traps can she take back in one trip to maximize her load? Explain and show your thinking.

In inquiry we have continued to to learn about life on the East Coast. We began asking wonders about the expulsion of the Acadians and investigated, symbols, food and music that are dominant on the east coast. Ask me about what I learned and how it is either similar or different to how I live.

1) Urgent Wetlands trip volunteers needed:
 Dear Parents,

At the beginning of the school year, in the welcome package you received, was a letter regarding trips within walking distance of Royal Oak School.  I have attached part of that notice to the bottom of this email.  Ms. MacDonald’s and Ms. Cook’s Grade 2 classes will be taking a walk to the wetlands on Tuesday, May 21 from 1:00 – 2:00 looking for signs of a healthy wetland community.  As a part of this study we will be completing some water testing with the students.  Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns regarding this walk.  To support this walk we require two parent volunteers per class.  Please use the following link to sign up if you are available to help with this exciting learning opportunity.

Upcoming dates:
Apr 5, 12, 26, 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
May 17th - No school due to PD
May 20th - No school due to Victoria day
May 24th - Stampede Breakfast
May 29th - Jump rope for heart day
Jun 4th - Bike to School
Jun 13th - Sports Day
Jun 14th - Volunteer Tea
Jun 25th - School BBQ

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Jun 18 -Summer package

Summer vacation is just around the corner. If you and your child would like some extra practice over the summer here are a couple of links ...