Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sept 12

We have been learning about other teacher artifacts. One teacher shared about a tea tray and the other teacher shared shared about a quilt. We learned that the person with the tea tray was very kind because she passed it on.

We read the book How full is your bucket for kids and wrote shout outs for each other.

We have started to learn about Terry Fox and how he ran across Canada to raise money for kids and grown ups who have cancer.

This mid week update is brought to by Rm 73

1) Terry fox run: is Friday September 14th at 11:00 am. Parents are invited to meet their child on the field to run the course with them.

2) Artifacts: Please bring in  an artifact next week. See previous post for more information.

Coming up
  Oct 17- 20th Safety week
  Oct 17th Beackerhead assembly
  Oct 20th and 21st conferences

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Jun 18 -Summer package

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