Monday, October 29, 2018

Oct 29th

1) Remembrance day: With Remembrance Day quickly approaching Royal Oak School would like to support our Veterans by collecting non-perishable food items. These items will be collected all week (November 5-9) and will be picked up and delivered to the Calgary Food Bank (Veterans branch). There are specific items that are more needed than others and the Calgary Food Bank has outlined these as wish list items that are greatly appreciated.

2) Please refer to previous post for more information.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Oct 25

This week in grade 1 we made an IRIS post. Take sometime to check out your child's writing sample and the goal they have made for themselves. Students where encouraged to make a goal around one of the 6 writing traits. We used the 2nd Grade Writing Menu below to think about what we need to work on in our writing. Ask me about my goal and why I choose to work on that goal.

In inquiry we have been exploring four main individuals (see below) who where present when Calgary was being established. We are exploring how fences affected each perspective (First Nations, Missionaries, Settlers and North West Mounted Police) and the way that they lived. This weekend speak with your child about what perspective they agree with the most and why. Next week we will be getting ready to share our opinion and try to persuade the class to agree with our opinions. 
In math we have been learning about place value and working with base ten materials to explore numbers into their tens and ones column. We learned a couple of place ten math games using two dice. Ask me how to play. Hint: you role two dice and select 1 number for the tens column and the other number for the 1's column. You can then use the sheet below to show your work.

1) No school tomorrow Oct 26th due to a professional development day.

2) Pictures Packages: where sent home today. If you would like to order pictures please submit your order by Nov 2nd. Also if you would like you child to have their photo taken picture retake day is Nov 1st

3) Halloween: Royal Oak is excited to move in a new direction this year! In place of Pumpkinella, students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes on October 31st. Please have students come dressed in their costume in the morning (PM Kindergarten, please come ready in the afternoon!). Please have your child practice getting in and out of their costume so they can independently dress for washroom breaks. We ask that costumes do NOT include: masks, weapons, accessories, or blood/gore. Regular learning activities will continue throughout the day. Students will get the opportunity to share their costumes with each other by participating in a parade in the halls. In keeping with learning about healthy eating, please do not send any special treats or snacks to share. Our Staff is looking forward to the 31st!

Coming up
Oct 26 - No school due to PD
Oct 31 - Halloween (students can wear costumes)
Oct 29th -Nov 14th artist in residence (more information will be coming soon)
Oct 30th -First artist in residence session for Ms. MacDonald and Ms. Cook's class
Nov 1st - Picture retake day
Nov 9th - Remembrance Day assembly
Nov 16 -No school due to PD
Nov 22-23 - Student led Conferences

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Oct 19

This week in grade 2 we have had a lot of fun dancing, learning about liquids and becoming better writers and mathematicians.

In Dance Pl3y we have been learning about the different periods of dance and some of the most popular moves. We have also been creating our very own dance moves. Ask me about one of the dance moves I have created. 
Make sure you save Oct 23 for the parent share day if you are in Ms. MacDonald's class and Oct 22nd if you are in Ms. Cooks class.

Wow we where so lucky to have Teachers Pet come in and teach us about liquids. We rotated through 4 stations. At the first station we learned about evaporation and are watching to see how slat water crystallizes. At the second station we learned about freezing and melting while make delicious lemonade slushies. At the third station we learned about material that absorb water and material that repel water. Finally at the fourth station we learned about density and how some objects float in salt water but not water. 

In math we learned a new math game called exploding numbers. Ask me about how to play this game. It is an excellent game for working on breaking larger numbers into 10's, 5's and 1's.

In writing have been using the picture prompt to write a story and learning about some of the mechanics of writing such as nouns, verbs, punctuation and what we need to make a complete sentence.

We have started reading the book called "The Search for Delicious." In the story we learned that Gaylen is the kings messenger has to take a survey from the kingdom about the most delicious food for the kings dictionary. Ask me for more details and information from the story.

1) Dance Pla3y: ROS Students will begin their dance residency on Monday. All classes have been scheduled to take part in four forty minute sessions with our guest instructor. The final session will be our Parent Share session. Parents are invited to the gym during this session to check out what students have been learning during the residency. You will have the opportunity to watch your son/daughter dance as well as to participate and have fun with them. 
Ms. MacDonald's parent share session will be: Tuesday Oct 23rd at 1:10-1:50. 

Dear Parents/Guardians of Ms. Boston/Ms. Cook’s class,

ROS Students began their dance residency on Monday. All classes have been scheduled to take part in four, forty minute sessions with our guest instructor. The final session will be our Parent Share session. Parents are invited to the gym during this session to check out what students have been learning during the residency. You will have the opportunity to watch your son/daughter dance as well as to participate and have fun with them. Your parent participation & share session for Ms. Boston/Ms. Cook’s class is Monday, October 22nd from 9:30-10:10.  We look forward to seeing you there!

2) Halloween: Royal Oak is excited to move in a new direction this year! In place of Pumpkinella, students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes on October 31st. Please have students come dressed in their costume in the morning (PM Kindergarten, please come ready in the afternoon!). Please have your child practice getting in and out of their costume so they can independently dress for washroom breaks. We ask that costumes do NOT include: masks, weapons, accessories, or blood/gore. Regular learning activities will continue throughout the day. Students will get the opportunity to share their costumes with each other by participating in a parade in the halls. In keeping with learning about healthy eating, please do not send any special treats or snacks to share. Our Staff is looking forward to the 31st!

Coming up
Oct 22 - Cook Parent share Dance Pl3yOct 23 - MacDonald Parent share Dance Pl3y
Oct 26 - No school due to PD

Oct 31 - Halloween (students can wear costumes)
Oct 29th -Nov 14th artist in residence (more information will be coming soon)

Friday, October 12, 2018

Oct 12

This week in grad 2 we have been very busy!

In math we finished off the napping house problem and began learning about exploding math. Ask me about how exploding math works. Hint it has something to do with breaking numbers down into 10s, 5s, and 1,s

In writing we finished off learning about the 6 writing traits and how they are used in our writing. As we move forward in our writing we will continue to have conversations around these traits. Ask me about the 6 writing traits and how I practiced them in my writing this week.

In inquiry we continued to learn about historical figures such as chief Bull Head, Father Doucet, Sam Livingston, and Inspector Brisboise and how they helped to establish Calgary. We are now starting to learn about the scientific method and get ready for our in class field trip about liquids on Wednesday.

Today we learned about Pablo Picasso and tried our hand at cubism art. Check out some of the work below.

Also if you have not had a chance recently you should take a look at IRIS as the students have had a chance to post their reading and artifact presentation videos.

1) Liquids in class field trip: If you are able to volunteer please let me know as soon as possible as we are still in need of 1 volunteer. Thank you for your continued support.

2) Dance Residency: ROS Students will begin their dance residency on Monday. All classes have been scheduled to take part in four forty minute sessions with our guest instructor. The final session will be our Parent Share session. Parents are invited to the gym during this session to check out what students have been learning during the residency. You will have the opportunity to watch your son/daughter dance as well as to participate and have fun with them. 
Ms. MacDonald's parent share session will be: Tuesday Oct 23rd at 1:10-1:50. 

Dear Parents/Guardians of Ms. Boston/Ms. Cook’s class,

ROS Students began their dance residency on Monday. All classes have been scheduled to take part in four, forty minute sessions with our guest instructor. The final session will be our Parent Share session. Parents are invited to the gym during this session to check out what students have been learning during the residency. You will have the opportunity to watch your son/daughter dance as well as to participate and have fun with them. Your parent participation & share session for Ms. Boston/Ms. Cook’s class is Monday, October 22nd from 9:30-10:10.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Coming up
Oct 15th- Oct 23rd - students will be participating in 3 Dance Pl3y sessions as part of physical educationOct 17th - Liquids in class field trip
Oct 26 - No school due to PD

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Oct 9

A Reminder that our 
ROS Parent Night is this
Thursday, October 11th from 6-7pm
on Disciplinary Literacy!
Royal Oak School is pleased to invite you and your family to join us for an engaging evening of interactive sessions where you will have the opportunity to explore ‘Disciplinary Literacy’. Your experience will show you how your child is learning to be an artist, an illustrator, a historian, and a geologist through hands-on activities throughout the school. 
2) Dear ROS Families, If you are still interested in ordering AdMazing coupon books, please note that the last day to put an order in is, Wednesday, Oct. 10.  
Thank you for your support!
ROS Fundraising Society

3) Liquids in class field trip: Forms went home today. Please return the bottom portion and pay online by Friday Oct 12. We are also in need of 2 more volunteers. If you are able to volunteer please let me know on the from as well. Thank you for your continued support.

Coming up
Oct 11th  - picture day
Oct 11th  - disciplinary literacy Parent evening

Oct 15th- Oct 23rd - students will be participating in 3 Dance Pl3y sessions as part of physical educationOct 17th - Liquids in class field trip
Oct 26 - No school due to PD

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Oct 2

Wow it is already the first week of October! In math we have started to learn about how to use a ten frame to represent numbers and count efficiently. Today we read a hilarious book call "The Napping House" and practiced our counting. We counted how many people and how many legs they have. Ask me about the math problem we started today.

In writing we have begun to learn about the 6 writing traits. Ask me about which one we learned today.
In inquiry, we practiced looking at pictures of aboriginal people and teepees. We thought about I sees, I thinks and I wonders. We also did a gallery walk to view everyones work. Ask me about one of the ideas I had.

1) Field Trip Info: Trip was cancelled due to weather.

2) Home Reading Starts Today!: Check your child’s backpack today (Tuesday October 2nd) for their first bag of Home Reading.  Any student in our school reading at an independent level A-L will receive 2 levelled books and a reading log in their Home Reading bags.  Teachers have taken the time in September to get to know their students as readers, and have provided our Home Reading Program with appropriate reading levels.  As the year progresses, and your child grows as a reader, each teacher will work to update the reading levels provided for Home Reading. In order to build confidence, we will have students practice at an independent reading level, something they can read confidently on their own. Please take the time to read through the letter together, which will explain the Home Reading Program at our school. 
The Home Reading Program is one component of the broader Literacy Education your children are engaging with both at school and at home.  Repetitive reading of texts at a ‘just right’ independent level helps to build confidence and can increase a student’s reading fluency. Although we recommend that you take some time each evening to read the Home Reading books that your child brings home, please continue to take time to explore a variety of other texts together as well. The experiences of reading more challenging texts together, and more importantly, the conversations surrounding what you’ve read will help to develop your child’s understanding of what they’ve read.

Each Tuesday and Thursday, students can return their Home Reading books inside the bags provided. Please make sure that these books travel to and from school inside the bag provided, as they are stored and sorted separately from our Learning Commons, and classroom Library Books.  If you have questions, comments, or concerns about the Home Reading Program, please reach out to your child’s teacher, or contact the Resource Teacher, Heather Mitschke at

Happy Reading! 

2) Parent Night - Literacy Disciplinary

3) Liquids in class field trip: The grade 2 students will be having Teacher's Pet in to run a program around liquids where students will have the opportunity to discover the properties of water and understand the concepts of evaporation, condensation, freezing, and thawing. Students will also learn the importance of conserving water. Plus, take an exciting trip through the water cycle! To help the program run smoothly I will be needing 3 volunteers. More information will be coming your way soon.Thank you so much for your continued support.

Coming up
Oct 3rd  - Heritage park trip
Oct 8th  - Thanksgiving no school
Oct 11th  - picture day
Oct 11th  - disciplinary literacy Parent evening

Oct 17th - Liquids in class field trip
Oct 26 - No school due to PD

Monday, October 1, 2018

Oct 1

1) Field Trip Info: 
We will be leaving for our field trip to Heritage Park via school bus this Wednesday Oct 3rd. Please have your children arrive by 9:00 am and come through the office doors to ensure that we are on the bus and leaving by 9:10 am.

While at Heritage Park, students are expected to have their journals with them at all times and must also bring a litter free, bagged lunch and water bottle. We will not have access to microwaves or hot water. As we will be outside and walking most of the day, please ensure students are wearing appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather.
If you have not had a chance take some time to log into your PowerSchool account and make the online Payment by Monday October 1st.
If you are volunteering we are asking that you arrive by 8:55 am for a brief meeting about the day. We are also in need of 1 more volunteer, if you are able to attend and have your volunteer clearance please let me know as soon as possible.
2) Parent Night - Literacy Disciplinary

3) Liquids in class field trip: The grade 2 students will be having Teacher's Pet in to run a program around liquids where students will have the opportunity to discover the properties of water and understand the concepts of evaporation, condensation, freezing, and thawing. Students will also learn the importance of conserving water. Plus, take an exciting trip through the water cycle! To help the program run smoothly I will be needing 3 volunteers. Thank you so much for your continued support.

Coming up
Oct 3rd  - Heritage park trip
Oct 8th  - Thanksgiving no school
Oct 11th  - picture day
Oct 11th  - disciplinary literacy Parent evening

Oct 17th - Liquids in class field trip
Oct 26 - No school due to PD

Jun 18 -Summer package

Summer vacation is just around the corner. If you and your child would like some extra practice over the summer here are a couple of links ...