Thursday, November 15, 2018

Nov 15

In writing this week students have been writing about their painting of Flander's Field from last week. They are working on using the 5 senses to add descriptive words to their writing.   

In math we continued working on problem solving. We tried a new problem where we had to figure out how many candies there where if there where 3 bags of skittles with 4 candies and 2 boxes of smarties with 8 candies. During our class discussion around the problem we reviewed how to identify the important information in a problem and how to use the strategies to prove our answer. 

This week we had our last session with our artist in residence. We worked on transparent paper and used sharpie to outline the tall builds we see in downtown. Then we applied paint to help 1-3 buildings/trees/transportation to stand out. Ask me about what building/trees/transportation I decided to keep or parts I decided not to keep and why?


This week in inquiry we researched the different types of jobs people had in the past. In our research we had to identify the who, what, when, where, and why. Ask me about the job I researched and something I learned?

1) Glenbow Museum field trip forms: went home today. The grade 2’s from Ms. MacDonald’s and Mrs. Cooks (Ms. Boston) classes have an amazing opportunity to spend November 29th at the Glenbow Museum. To have a successful trip please ensure that you pay $13.32 through your Power School account and return your child's from by Monday, November 19, 2018. Also we are in need of 4 parent volunteers in each class. If you are available, please notify your child’s teachers. As a parent volunteer, the CBE requires a police clearance; if you do not have this document, we regret that you will not be able to come at this time. If you would like to volunteer in the future, please visit the office with your photo identification and ask for a volunteer clearance form.

2) Student led Conferences: Conference questions went home today. Please respond to the questions and return the from by Monday Nov 19th. Student led conferences are on the evening of Thursday, October 22nd and the morning of Friday, October 23rd.  If you haven't had a chance yet please log onto your PowerSchool account and take sometime to book your conference. The students are looking forward to sharing their learning with you.

The following instructions will help you find the My CBE/PowerSchool Parent Account link to book conferences:
  • On the Calgary Board of Education website, scroll to the middle of the page
  • Click on “My CBE/PowerSchool Parent Account” link
  • Sign into your PowerSchool Parent Account
  • Click on myCBE Apps (left hand side of screen)
  • Click on my School Conferences (right hand side of screen)
  • Select the conference day/time and submit to book your child’s conference
3) Holiday Scholastic book order: went home yesterday. Please submit your online order  by Nov 21st. If you would like to keep any items in this order as a holiday gift for your child please e-mail me here and I can keep the items set aside for you to pick up at the front office instead of having them sent home with the student. 

To order and pay online please follow the following steps:
It’s Here! Order from Reading Club online — it’s easy as 1-2-3!
1.             Connect with your child’s classroom teacher at
2.             You can browse, shop and pay online!
3.            Books arrive in the classroom, just like always!

4) Stephen’s Backpack: Dream Out Loud
Royal Oak Students are continuing to support Stephen’s Backpacks Society for Children in Need this holiday season.Stephen’s Backpacks Society for Children in Need is an organization that was started in Airdrie by a young boy who thought it wasn’t fair that he received so much for Christmas when other children didn’t even have a bed to sleep in.
In the near future, Stephen’s Mom will be joining us for a special assembly. All parents are invited to attend. Please stay tuned for that date!
The backpacks this year are for children who range in age from infant to grade 3. We are looking for donations of newitems that can go inside a backpack. Our goal is to fill 100 backpacks.
What could go in a backpack?
Child Backpack (4-9 years old):
·      Waterproof gloves/mittens, toque, scarf, blanket, socks
·      Book or colouring book, appropriate school supplies
·      Age appropriate toy (train, action figure, etc.)
·      Hygiene kit- (includes shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste)
·      Candy or candy bag
·      Clothing items, shoes/boots
Baby Backpack:
·      Waterproof gloves/mittens, toque, scarf, blanket, socks, toy, teething ring
·      Baby formula, bottle
·      Baby wipes, diapers, baby soap, baby shampoo, baby lotion
·      Clothing items
These items can be brought to school by your child and they will be placed under the tree in the gathering space. We will be accepting donations until Monday, December 10th, 2018. Thanking you in advance for your generosity.
Link to Stephen’s Backpacks for additional information: Stephen's Backpack Society for Children in Need

Coming up
Nov 16 -No school due to PD
Nov 16 - Winter wonderland family dance hosted by ROS school councilNov 22-23 - Student led Conferences
Nov 22-23 - Book Fair during conferences
Nov 29th -Field Trip to Glenbow museum

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