Thursday, January 31, 2019

Jan 31

This week in writing we continued our exploration of poetry as we learned about the different types of figurative language such as simile and metaphors. We also learned how to write an acrostic and list poem. Ask me about one of the poems I wrote and how I used figurative language? If you want you can even write one of these poems with me.

In math we began to learn about double digit stacking addition using base ten blocks and how to regroup 10. We discovered that regrouping can be a bit tricky but we need to persevere. Below is an image of some questions we tried. Please take sometime to practice with me. You are also welcome to view the video we watched as a class to learn how we are learning about regrouping.

In Inquiry we began to learn about the Arctic. We started by investigating the photo below by and thought about our reaction and wonders. Ask me about how I felt when I saw this and share how you feel when you see this image. We also started exploring Inuit artifacts and making inferences about what we think they are, used for, made out of and any wonders we had. Ask me about the artifacts we have explored so far.

In our literacy groups we have been learning either about non-fiction texts or inferencing. Ask me about how to make an inference. We have been using a variety of texts such as pictures, short films, comics, wordless picture books and books with text. Below is a poster we refer to to help us think about inferencing. We also use the sentence prompts I think, Perhaps, Maybe or I infer. You can practice inferring with me on a daily base while reading or viewing images that you see around you. If you would like you can use the short film below to practice inferencing with your child.

Students have also posted a writing and reading item on IRIS. Take some time to view your child's post and talk about his/her learning.

1) Wire Hanger: Students need to bring in a wire hanger for a sculpture art project that we will be starting next Friday Feb 8th. If you don't have any wire hangers a dry cleaners is a great place to get a wire hanger.

2) Alien Inline skating form and payment: Please return the form and make the payment of $11.37 by Monday Feb 11th.

3) Winter warm up (Royal Oak Fundraising Society): Forms where sent home today. If you would like to participate please make your order by Tuesday Feb 19th.

4) Scholastic Book Order: went home today. Please submit your online order by Feb 7th. As student progress in their reading this is a great opportunity to purchase some more challenging books.

To order and pay online please follow the following steps:
It’s Here! Order from Reading Club online — it’s easy as 1-2-3!
1.             Connect with your child’s classroom teacher at
2.             You can browse, shop and pay online!
3.            Books arrive in the classroom, just like always!

Upcoming dates:
Feb 1st - No school
Feb 5th and 7th from 4pm-6pm skating at the Royal Oak Community outdoor rink.
Feb 11th - 28th Alien in line skating
Feb 14th and 15th - No school due to teachers convention
Feb 18th - No school due to family day
Feb 20th - book Truck
Feb 28th - Pink shirt Day
March 1st - No school due to professional development
Mar 5th - Evergreen Theater
Mar 21-22 - Conferences
Mar 23-31 - Spring Break

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Jun 18 -Summer package

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