Thursday, May 30, 2019

May 30

1) Dear Royal Oak School Parents,
Report cards will be sent home with your child on the last day of school, which is Wednesday, June 26.  If your child will be leaving prior to the end of the school day or absent on the last day of school, please send a self-addressed and stamped 9” x 12” envelope to the teacher, and your child’s report card will be mailed to you.  Alternatively, we will hold onto your child’s report card and it will be sent home with your child in September 2019.
Royal Oak School

Upcoming dates:
Jun 4th - Bike to School
Jun 13th - Sports Day
Jun 14th - Volunteer Tea
Jun 25th - School BBQ

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

May 28

1) Bike to School Day: 
Royal Oak School Parents and Guardians,

Our annual Bike to School Day is fast approaching. On Tuesday June 4th Royal Oak School Families and Staff are encouraged to participate in the Bike to School Day come Rain or Shine

Bike tags and further information (including a map) will be sent home with Kindergarten students on Thursday May 30th, and with Grade 1-3 students on Monday June 3rd. Bike tags must be brought to the school on your student's handlebars for ease of organization and storage in the School Gym. Students are welcome to drop off their bikes from 8:40am - 9:10am. PM KG students can drop their bikes off to the Gym before class, between 12:50pm and 1:03pm.

A snack of Orange slices will be available between 8:40am and 9:10am. Don't forget to bring your water bottles!

***NOTE: Different Locations for KINDERGARTEN PICKUP***

All Kindergarten Bike to School participants (AM & PM) will be dismissed through the Gym door closest to the houses at the back of the school and Non-Participants will have a regular dismissal at the KG doors.

Grade 1 & 2 students can pick up their bikes on the compound at the back of the school following the afternoon dismissal. 

Grade 3 students will be dismissed through the Gym, and will pick up their bikes on their way out to the compound.

If you would like to volunteer at this event please use the Sign Up Genius Link Below.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Helen Hennick
Physical Education Specialist, Royal Oak School

Monday, May 27, 2019

May 24

Wow today we had an awesome start to the morning with the Stampede Breakfast. It was great seeing everyone there.

1) Summer Scholastic book order: went home this week. Please submit your online order  by May 29th. This is a great chance to get some books for summer reading.

To order and pay online please follow the following steps:
It’s Here! Order from Reading Club online — it’s easy as 1-2-3!
1.             Connect with your child’s classroom teacher at
2.             You can browse, shop and pay online!
3.            Books arrive in the classroom, just like always!

Upcoming dates:
May 29th - Jump rope for heart day
Jun 4th - Bike to School
Jun 13th - Sports Day
Jun 14th - Volunteer Tea
Jun 25th - School BBQ

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May 22

1) Royal Oak School Stampede Pancake Breakfast!

We are excited to announce that the Calgary Stampede Downtown Attractions Breakfast Committee will be hosting a free Stampede Pancake Breakfast for our entire school community and their families on Friday, May 24, 2019. This event will begin at 7:00 a.m. rain or shine and will run until approximately 9:00 a.m. Families are encouraged to come early to enjoy this free yummy event.

This year we are excited to partner with William D. Pratt Middle School and will be bringing the communities together on the basketball courts and the Pratt soccer fields. Families are invited to bring a blanket or camping chair to sit on as they enjoy a breakfast picnic on the basketball courts and the adjacent Pratt fields. In the event of rain families will be invited inside the gym at W.D. Pratt School.

There will be no teacher supervision provided at the Stampede Pancake Breakfast, so families are responsible for the supervision of their children for the entirety of the event. Our teachers will resume their regular supervision on the school grounds at 8:55am and our regular school bell will ring for student entry at 9:10 am.

All families are encouraged to wear their best western attire to show their Stampede spirit!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

May 21

1) Jump Rope for Heart: Our annual Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser is now underway. Royal Oak School held our kick off assembly last Thursday and students have brought home their fundraising envelopes. Your envelope explains everything that you need to know about the fundraiser. You can also register and fundraise online at It’s an easy way to raise money and earn great bonus prizes! Our fundraiser will run until May 29th. On Wednesday, May 29th we will collect fundraising envelopes and have our JUMP DAY. All classes will participate in fun skipping activities and we will have bubbles, sidewalk chalk, music and a healthy snack provided by parent council.

**Please note that PM kindergarten students will have their jump day on Thursday, May 30th**

Did you know that when you jump rope for others, you are also jumping for yourself? Get the exercise your heart needs while raising money to help all kids grow up healthy!

2) Home Reading:
           Home Reading Ends this Week!

Thank you for your support of our Home Reading Program this year.  We know that the work you do at home, reading with your children, helps their confidence and abilities as readers to continue to grow. As we near the end of the school year, we need time to collect and inventory all of our Home Reading Books so that we have a full library of texts ready to send home with our students next fall.

This week (May 21-24) will be our final week sending Home Reading Books home with students. You should see the final books of the year come home this Thursday May 23rd.  After that, we will begin the process of collecting the books and making sure any lost/damaged books are accounted for.  Missing Book Notices will continue to come home over the following few weeks.

As has been the process throughout the school year, notices will be sent home for books that were taken home by your child and not yet returned to school.  We appreciated your support in continuing to hunt for these books.  If the books are not recovered, the school will ask that you pay a $5 charge per book that is missing.  This can be paid in cash, or applied to your PowerSchool Account if it is $10 or more. The fees help us to replace missing and damaged books so that next year’s students can continue to benefit from the support of this program.

Although our Home Reading books will no longer be coming home, students are still encouraged to read with their families daily.  There are a variety of places that they can access books at their ‘just right’ reading level including our school’s Learning Commons, Little Free Libraries, online with RazzKids, and at the Calgary Public Library.  If you would like recommendations about books to access with your child, please reach out to their classroom teacher for ideas.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns about the Home Reading Program, please reach out to your child’s teacher, or contact the Resource Teacher, Heather Mitschke at        

Happy Reading!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

May 16

This week we had a jump rope for heart kick off assembly. In phys- ed and we will be practicing our skipping skills for the upcoming jump day.

This week we began learning more about persuasive writing. We read the text I wanna an Iguana which is about a young boy who writes letters in the hope that he will convince his mother to let him have a pet Iguana. You may need to keep an eye out as your child could come home with a letter for a pet or something they really want.

In math we have been working on a word problem that requires logic and reasoning. You can take a look at the problem below. While working through the problem students made sure to use CUBES and select a second strategy to check their work.

Nova Scotia Lobster boat

Lobsters are widely fished around the world for their meat. They are often hard to catch in large numbers, but their large size can make them a profitable catch. Nova Scotia fisherman can catch quite a few lobsters in the Atlantic Ocean.

This small lobster fishing boat was designed by a naval architect to hold a maximum load of 90 kilograms of lobster traps. When the fisherwoman checks her traps, she sees that 4 of her traps have lobsters in them!

Weight in Kilograms
Trap #1
56 kilogram
Trap #2
40 kilograms
Trap #3
33 kilograms
Trap #4
16 kilograms

What lobster traps can she take back in one trip to maximize her load? Explain and show your thinking.

In inquiry we have continued to to learn about life on the East Coast. We began asking wonders about the expulsion of the Acadians and investigated, symbols, food and music that are dominant on the east coast. Ask me about what I learned and how it is either similar or different to how I live.

1) Urgent Wetlands trip volunteers needed:
 Dear Parents,

At the beginning of the school year, in the welcome package you received, was a letter regarding trips within walking distance of Royal Oak School.  I have attached part of that notice to the bottom of this email.  Ms. MacDonald’s and Ms. Cook’s Grade 2 classes will be taking a walk to the wetlands on Tuesday, May 21 from 1:00 – 2:00 looking for signs of a healthy wetland community.  As a part of this study we will be completing some water testing with the students.  Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns regarding this walk.  To support this walk we require two parent volunteers per class.  Please use the following link to sign up if you are available to help with this exciting learning opportunity.

Upcoming dates:
Apr 5, 12, 26, 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
May 17th - No school due to PD
May 20th - No school due to Victoria day
May 24th - Stampede Breakfast
May 29th - Jump rope for heart day
Jun 4th - Bike to School
Jun 13th - Sports Day
Jun 14th - Volunteer Tea
Jun 25th - School BBQ

Monday, May 13, 2019

May 13

Dear Families,

This past week the students engaged in many activities to promote and inspire the love of reading. One of the days included a visit from a fabulous local author, Pamela McDowell. Her books are written as a narrative non-fiction, focusing on the needs and ecological issues animals are facing.  She presented to each group of students about the writing process and how she begins by researching everything she needs to know in order to be accurate when writing her story.   

She reminded students during each presentation that there is more information on her blog on her website They can find info on how a wind turbine works, how scientists attach GPS trackers to ospreys and how software is used to identify individual salamanders. Everything on her website is kid-friendly and child-appropriate. 

Students are welcome to contact her with questions at

For those students interested, order forms will be going home for purchase of her books. Please send EXACT cash only (No cheques - we are unable to provide change) to your child’s teacher no later than Tuesday, May 21th, and within 2 weeks your child will get an autographed copy of the book.

Friday, May 10, 2019

May 10

Wow what an amazing week celebrating literacy. Students explored literature, read to each other and heard from our very special guest author Pamela McDowell.

In math we continued to learn about 2D shapes by building and learning how to sort the shapes based on their attributes.

Upcoming dates:
Apr 5, 12, 26, 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
May15th -Jump rope for Heart Assembly
May 17th - No school due to PD
May 20th - No school due to Victoria day
May 24th - Stampede Breakfast
May 29th - Jump rope for heart day
Jun 4th - Bike to School
Jun 13th - Sports Day
Jun 14th - Volunteer Tea
Jun 25th - School BBQ

Jun 26 - Last day of school

Thursday, May 2, 2019

May 2

Literacy Week: Is from May 6th-10th. Please see poster below for information. If you would like to help and have your volunteer clearance please sign up at

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May 1

1) Royal Oak School Stampede Pancake Breakfast!

We are excited to announce that the Calgary Stampede Downtown Attractions Breakfast Committee will be hosting a free Stampede Pancake Breakfast for our entire school community and their families on Friday, May 24, 2019. This event will begin at 7:00 a.m. rain or shine and will run until approximately 9:00 a.m. Families are encouraged to come early to enjoy this free yummy event.

This year we are excited to partner with William D. Pratt Middle School and will be bringing the communities together on the basketball courts and the Pratt soccer fields. Families are invited to bring a blanket or camping chair to sit on as they enjoy a breakfast picnic on the basketball courts and the adjacent Pratt fields. In the event of rain families will be invited inside the gym at W.D. Pratt School.

There will be no teacher supervision provided at the Stampede Pancake Breakfast, so families are responsible for the supervision of their children for the entirety of the event. Our teachers will resume their regular supervision on the school grounds at 8:55am and our regular school bell will ring for student entry at 9:10 am.

All families are encouraged to wear their best western attire to show their Stampede spirit!

Jun 18 -Summer package

Summer vacation is just around the corner. If you and your child would like some extra practice over the summer here are a couple of links ...